Cass Engage

An AI-based engagement platform created by therapists, validated by clinicians.

Cass uses artificial intelligence and text message interaction to deliver mental health support and coaching, at scale, to millions of people globally.
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Thousands of organizations use Cass to expand access to behavioral health, coaching and wellness for their employees or members.

What do customers think of Cass?

How Cass works

Automatic Community Outreach

Proactively reach out and engage your community at scale. Make the most impact by automatically reaching out with specific offers, resources, benefits information, and personalized messages. 

Automatic Triaging

Cass automatically triages and recommends relevant resources such as suicide hotlines, in-house or other counselors in our network, and digital health tools when they are most needed to ensure ultimate effectiveness.

Crisis Triage

Cass proactively flags and alerts if someone is in a crisis and follows protocols to verify the severity, and immediately starts the de-escalation process while engaging a crisis counselor and having them engage within 20 seconds.

Meet users where they already interact

Meet your audience where they are by embedding Cass within existing workflows such as Google Home, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, your website, portals, and many more communication channels. 

Large Network of Counselors

Cass enables users to connect on-demand to 5,000 certified counselors available in all 50 states or schedule an appointment for later. Offering a fully integrated experience to provide a complete level of care.

Insights Dashboard

Track your impact with Cass. You can create analysis and reports and integrate all information with your database or EHR with full database access. Cass also provides a complete preconfigured out-of-the-box insights dashboard.


Cass is currently available in seven languages including English and Spanish, with the optionality to quickly build out new languages for different communities.


Cass’s artificial intelligence is reviewed and approved by an ethical and medical board to ensure a high-quality experience. All data is stored in a fully HIPAA compliant way, and we are becoming SOC2 certified. 

Key Elements of the Cass Product

Reach more people, increase engagement, reduce symptoms and drive down the cost of care.
  • Accessible 24 x 7 x 365
    Text messaging has become the most engaging and popular form of communication.  No waitlist, no app download or account creation is required.  7 languages.
  • Scalable
    With one phone number and a click, deploy Cass to thousands of people and proactively engage with your community.
  • Customizable
    Easy to integrate with your telephone, computer and call center systems, portals, hotlines, and other applications to triage content, people instantly and complement your existing investments and resources.  Use along with your 988 and other phone numbers to create immediate access without hold times.
  • Secure
    Data privacy and security is approached without compromise so we make sure all data is stored in a fully HIPAA compliant fashion (the most rigorous personal health care standard), as well as use of the most advanced fully encrypted mechanisms to protect your data and privacy.
  • Effective
    The solution is based on hard evidence and science across millions of data points.  Created in collaboration with researchers and trained psychologists. Backed by published academic studies.  Cass actually solves real problems.
  • Measurable
    Cass provides real-time insights so you can measure the progress of your population and the usefulness of the system to them.  Know the number of people supported, number of messages exchanged, number of people triaged, number of resources provided, common emotions expressed, and dollars saved in the cost of care.
  • Personalized
    Our engine uses the data from millions of historical conversations already, 600 different topics, and over 3 million variations to personalize and contextualize every conversation.  This means that each users experience is tailored uniquely to them, just as if they were interacting with a person (assuming that person isn't reading from a script.)

To see Cass live in action, reach out below and ask us for a demo